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  • Peter Lambert
    October 2005
    Firstly: As some of you guys already know, the online bodyboarding shop brought to you by Sixty40 Supremo Kelly Footit as well as DK Rippa Brother Derek is now LIVE!!! Check it out and Support It!

    Secondly: For those who have been waiting for months for stock of the 2005 model BZ Hubb's.... Sport Unlimited's stock has arrived in Cape Town.

    Take Care


Coaching 1,247 views

2 Replies

  • Spy Dude
    October 2005
    Nice advert peter........hahhahhaha
    Would be nice if companies like Sport unlimited actually put a little banner ad on 60/40 to advertise the fact, this is something that SA lacks in a big way, you just have to look at any overseas surf sites and see the ammount of paid advertising that happens.
    Owell we are slowly getting there.

    Hey wesy coast boys, what is the crime like that side, a dudes bakkie got nicked from derde steen last night, it totally killed our session, poor ou had to get a lift home in his wetsiut. Apparently the ig bay stretch to melkbos is getting really dodgy.

    Also heard that the upper class Tik heads of camps bay and clifton are hitting surfers cars in that area too... man thats a bummer.
    Poverty related crime is one thing, it can alnost be justified, crime resulting from little rich kids who smoke Tik is another, but just remember, all drugs dont result in crime, just the really dangerous ones.
  • Jared HoustonJared Houston
    October 2005
    yo spy dude..

    the bakkie was steve polinski and all my stuff was in it aswell,waves were fun though..he got it back with everything inside except for my bleak..

    crime sucks..

    jared :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x
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