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  • puku
    November 2005
    GORF's.has any one ever done 1?and how do you break you momentum and stop yourself from going into a reverse air and then going into a forward air?man those things look sooo sick.

Coaching 3,778 views

16 Replies

  • Spy Dude
    November 2005
    WTF is a GORF... sorry i am old school..ballie bru.
  • KellyKelly
    November 2005
    The Gorf is an inverse roll while doing a forward air spin -Invented by Shark Island leggend Nathan "Nugget" Purcell.

    Here's Hubb busting one at OTW ... ... geID=13367

    Not sure if I rate them --- well, at least none that I've seen yet (and I haven't seen many) --- but even though the difficulty rating is high, I don't tend to rate anything that goes against the natural flow of the wave and ends up looking forced. Reverse roll for instance. I do like to think that it is all about style ...

    As for how to do them ... I'm not the man.
  • Ian
    November 2005

    that damn move is a pain..!
    Ive been attempting them for awhile and only properly landed 2 of them..wish a had them on tape cause its not often you get the wave for them. did one at long beach and the other at kalk bay.
    took me awhile working out the rotation..need a flat,juicy long walled up section or a fat oncomming foamy , hit the section flat but out and up(like you going for a lame floater) as you off the wave,pull your hand on your nose down with your head in the other direction..ah i dunno, it just sometimes works..the section is the key!
  • Spy Dude
    November 2005
    hahhahaha..ok sounds liek a schmo roll.. you know those funny things Ishmial grant is always doing. Too much PT for this ballie, skim i will stick to cut backs.
  • Jared HoustonJared Houston
    November 2005
    i agree with kelly,those thing are siff,hubbs one on cheap thrillsa is the only one that looks even semi functional...

    i reckon the only way to go is the way of the ozzies..thay are owning it,time for sa to step up our game..drawing clean lines and ridin with smooth style is ace..

    jared :D :D :D :D :D :D :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
  • Mark
    November 2005
    I agree with badger and kelly!
  • puku
    November 2005
    nort ous i skeem that thing is supa sick.only if its done properly and with slick style though.someone said its an air forward but you gotta get air or disengage from the lip first instead of just going straight up and into the normal loopy forward air.something like that.hubb does one on no friends 7.
  • Mark
    November 2005
    Heres how to do it in HUBBS words:

    How to do a GORF
    Don’t ask me what GORF stands for, I don’t know but I do know that this move is a fun alternative when you get bored of doing ARS’s, or inverts and looks sick from any angle.
    As always look down the line for the coming section. With a GORF the section can be any type as long as you have a little bit of speed and a lip you should be able to start practicing this move.
    When you approach the lip try to get there a bit before it throws and as it throws out pop off of the section like you would for a air, then lift yourself and your board in to the air in one motion, as this happens you need to point the nose of your board down and lift you legs in to the air and pivot in to a forward 360, the more vertical your nose is pointed to the water the faster the rotation and better this move looks.
    You should be able to flat and facing the beach and ready to engaged your rail to do your next move.
    The landing can hurt if you do this off a big section and may knock the wind out of you.

    ya so now go do them...
  • puku
    November 2005
    on fluidzone they describe them as an air forward with your nose facing down....go figure
  • bboard1
    May 2007
    dudes this sounds like possibly the hardest moov in the book
  • Spaniard
    March 2009
    Firstly, Gorf is Frog spelled backwards and was invented by Nugget. Watch the old school vid Power Trips to see his first couple of attemps at Shark Island.
    Secondly, they are really easy to learn going the wrong way on a wedge. Taught myself how to do them going right at West Beach. They can look really good doing them out of the bowl but you generally end up having a pretty splashy landing with you legs everywhere which makes them really ugly. Rather teach yourself how to do a proper air forward. They are way harder to do correctly because your timing has to be perfect but look so good if you nail it. :mrgreen:
  • Dopetrick
    June 2009
    Anyone know any youtube links to this move? Also the gyroll?
  • StJohnLombard_Bodyboarder
    June 2009
    Theres a Gyroll in the PTP2 trailer, wow i guess its the moves of the future, what our kids will be busting!
  • SmTSmT
    June 2009
    GORFs and Gyrolls are both pretty old, I think the relative lack of coverage is because in my mind they look pretty kak. I think they both involve going against a natural movement, kind of like doing a reverse roll. Then again, what do I know, i'm just a lonely little Drop-knee rider.
    To each his own!!!
    Here's some pics ... geID=13367 ... mageID=301

    and here's the instructions for The Gyroll

    1.Find the perfect combination of maximum speed and timing with the pitching lip as he launches out of the pocket. At this point you try to extend the height of the roll as usual.
    2.At the peak of the roll comes the most critical part of the move. Instead of continuing the roll, tuck your head as you move into the front flip. Momentum will naturally assist throughout. Don't forget, where your head travels your body will follow.
    3.Rotate enough to let you land in the cushion of the whitewater right side up.
    Keeping a tight grip on his board throughout, and ride out of today's most cutting-edge manoeuvre.
  • hip.kid
    June 2009
    yea guess it is debatable

    some guys can do them pretty sick

    think it is essential you get tons of air otherwise you do the move with your head underwater and looks shite.

    Herold's Bay ripper Gavin Botha did a pretty sick one in his opening heat of 2003 wedge classic, he went on to kill the heat from that wave alone...

  • Dopetrick
    February 2011

    Looks like a frontflip to me.
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