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Logic Mag or Sixty40 suggestion

  • tauriq
    December 2005
    Sup guys, Me again

    Just thought of this the other day, thought maybe i give a suggestion for
    Craig at Logic or Kelly for this site.

    Im not sure if anyone noticed, but has a section on its site called spot the spot. Its actually a competition and its quite an interesting section. Basically they post a pic of a spot and people have to guess what the name of the spot is. The winner gets some small prize, but I must say its lank interesting :lol:

    Was thinking maybe in Logic or this Site there could be a similar section whereby photographers upload pics of spots that would pose a challenge to viewers and readers alike. The admin of the Mag or Site will then pic from the posted pics and put it up in a Spot the Spot challnge thingy. Maybe 1 per month or whatever. The answer could be given out at the end of the month.

    This would gain alot of interest im sure because it would get people getting involved and increase the interest in the Site or Mag for the answers in the month or issue of mag.

    Well thats just my 2 cents again 8)


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