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Australia here I come...

  • shaggabong
    January 2006
    Greetings all from Sunny London. I'm going to Sydney on Sunday for the rest of the year. Hopefully I'll get some waves while I'm there. I'm also closer to Chopes, so I intend to go there in July. I won't be able to see any of the London crew because I'm going to see my uncle in Manchester in an hours time for the night and I'll be packing all my stuff up tomorrow night then bailing for the airport at 10am on sunday morning to embark on a 22hour flight.
    All for now bye SHAGGY

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49 Replies

  • shaggabong
    January 2006
    I'm in Sydney, It's hot and there aren't any waves. ahd some fun waves a little avalon on wednesday. Went to the big day out yesterday(music festival) Saw loads of good bands. Go buy this CD. They are called Motherwolf and they rock. It's a big party tonight in the city. It's Ben Players world title party. Gonna get loaded. Free beer yeah!
    Bye SHAGGY
  • shaggabong
    February 2006
    Hello again, Ben's party was pretty cool. Free beer flowing until closing time. All the big wigs of bodyboarding were there from Steve "bullet" Mackenzie to the Cronulla crew.
    On the waves front I had some fun waves at Whale beach on tuesday. There is a little wedge in the corner(left) Scored with just 2 other friends for about 45mins, then some other stand up friends arrived but it was all good. Surfed some rampy bowls for 2 hours.
    I am going to watch the cricket on Sunday at the SCG. I'll the only South African in the group so Mr. Smith and the boys better bladdy well win! I don't feel like copping any abuse. Bye SHAGGY
  • shaggabong
    February 2006
    That band I mentioned before is called wolfmother. I went down the south coast ysterday with Gherkin and Harry Dixon to a spot called Black Rock or Ozzie Pipe. We left avalon at 3am to make the 3 hour drive down there. We arrived on sunrise to see 3-4ft lefts barreling and spitting. We also saw 20 guys in the water! never the less we paddled out and surfed for the next 4 hours. Hussling, snaking, getting snaked. Dropping in and getting dropped in on.
    Came in and waited for the tide to start pushing and then surfed for another 2 and half hours. My eys got fried by the sun. They are still red the morning after. I never put sincream on the backs of my legs, they are burnt too.
    It's onshore and the swell has dropped now. Bye SHAGGY
  • shaggabong
    February 2006
    That band I mentioned before is called wolfmother. I went down the south coast ysterday with Gherkin and Harry Dixon to a spot called Black Rock or Ozzie Pipe. We left avalon at 3am to make the 3 hour drive down there. We arrived on sunrise to see 3-4ft lefts barreling and spitting. We also saw 20 guys in the water! never the less we paddled out and surfed for the next 4 hours. Hussling, snaking, getting snaked. Dropping in and getting dropped in on.
    Came in and waited for the tide to start pushing and then surfed for another 2 and half hours. My eys got fried by the sun. They are still red the morning after. I never put sincream on the backs of my legs, they are burnt too.
    It's onshore and the swell has dropped now. Bye SHAGGY
  • shaggabong
    February 2006
    Another weekend is over and more money has been spent on goodtimes. Waves have been pretty fun the last few days. It's offshore today but only 2ft. I'm going to go ride my surfboard today. It's high tide now so it's very backwashy.
    Bye SHAGGY.
  • Douglas CockwellDouglas Cockwell
    February 2006
    What up Shaggy?

    See you having plenty good times. How was the backwash session?

    By the way I may be going to Mexico for 6-8weeks in March April, what are the conditions like then and can you give me any insider tips? Any would help bru.


    Douglas Cockwell :wink:
  • shaggabong
    February 2006
    Hello Douglas,

    March April is the start of the big wave season. Well more April than March. Take a board that is super stiff, poly pro with stringers. A good hotel to stay at is called Hotel Ines. It's right in front of the main peak. Really cool spot swimming pool, hammocks, bar...
    They have varied prices on rooms. From little sweat boxes with no fan to fully air conditioned rooms with TV's. All the rooms have en suite.

    Had some sick barrels on friday afternoon. My mate, the guy I live with, and I went and surfed south whale beach. Right hand wedges. I stung on my bell end by a blue bottle. It was very uncomfortable to say the least. Nothing which a couple panados and a beer didn't sort out though.
    I went to a festival yesterday called good vibrations. Saw James Brown. He rocked, not bad for someone who could be your grand father!
    Bye SHAGGY
  • shaggabong
    February 2006
    I woke up this morning at 5:55am, made my boiled eggs on toast and cup of coffee. Then waited for the call. I had ideas of scooping into 6ft barels up the central coast at the Zone. But when TP called me at 6:40am he said the swell in avalon was 2-3ft and not that good. So it's an early start for Shaggy today. We're going to surf whale beach instead, for a change..
    Bye SHAGGY
  • shaggabong
    March 2006
    Hello again, I left Sydeny last Sunday and drove up the coast to Byron Bay with friends of mine from there. We stopped off in Newcastle, Pacific Palms and South West Rocks. It rained the whole week. So instead of camping we stayed in little cabins. On Thursday we decided to drive to Byron Bay 2 days early because of the weather. While we we driving i got a call from Toby saying him and his brother were coming up the coast to the Gold Coast for the Riptide 150 issue Party. Did I want to come with. The answer was yes and I got on a bus on Friday morning and took the 55min drive up to the goldie.
    There was a big swell running too. I surfed Kirra for 3 days 6-8ft. The Friday was the best day. Then Saturday was a bit too messy then Sunday calmed a bit but the swell was fading too so there wasn't as much punch in the waves as Friday.
    Today we woke up at 5am and went and surfed South Stradbroke Island. Surfed it for 3 hours. sick beachie. Right and left peaks everywhere.
    We're driving back down to Sydney today hopefully there will be some treats along the way.
    Bye SHAGGY
  • shaggabong
    March 2006
    Well we never got any treat on the drive back to Sydney but we did get some fun waves yesterday. Shark alley has some good banks and I took advantage of them on my surfboard. A south swell came in last night and gherkin toby and i had some fun 4ft barrels at little avalon.
    The wind has turned now. Bye SHAGGY
  • spongekingspongeking
    March 2006
    hey Shaggy....talking about Mexico... Gareth "Bones" is there at the mo. Surf must be cranking coz he burst his eardrum in the 1st week...bummer!

    Spongekings Rule the wOrLd
  • Douglas CockwellDouglas Cockwell
    March 2006

    I fly to Mexico in just of a week and will be there for 7 weeks. How long is bones there for and is anyone/other Saffas there?

    What up to Shaggy!
  • shaggabong
    March 2006
    Hey fellas, I'm backafter a couple weeks absence. Bones you rookie for bursting your eardrum. I guess swimming 5-8kms wasn't enough to prepare you for a trashing at puerto. Hey Doug, i think bones is there for 2-3 weeks maybe 4 but I can't remember what he said.
    Swell came through here on Monday morning. Little Av was cracking. By Lunch time it was 6ft and building. I foolishly accepted a landscaping job for tuesday and missed out on going down the coast with TP and Gherks. hey came home last night of tales of surfing 10-12ft second reef look alikes. Then today shark island was 8ft and only 8 people out. this is because it was onshore. a reliable source told me it was amazing. So bummed. Waves are shit where I am.
    All I can look forward to is that I'm flying to indo on the 19th April until the 14th May. Then WA when I get back and then Taihiti for a month and then Mexico for 2 months.
    So there you go. Who is the "spongeking"? Sorry for being a rookie

    Bye SHAGGY
  • shaggabong
    April 2006
    Yesterday(toobsday) will be a day I won't be forgetting in a hurry. On Monday afternoon, we checked the swell charts and the south coast was going to firing. Toby said he knew a spot down south that would be firing. He was right. We left avalon at 1:30am and drove. We arrived on sunrise. We checked the spot with binocs because it was so far out to sea. It was firing, big spittingbarreling lefts. We suited up in a mad rush and made the 1km or so paddle out to the spot. It was a splitting image of the Banzai. I'm not exagerating, because I've seen it with my own eyes.
    TP got the first wave of the day. Tate the next then I got the next. I took off too deep and got flogged. I came up to see Gherkin get and absolute cracker. I got caught inside by his wave and lost my fin. I thought I was f*%ked but fortune was on my side and Brendon Newton and ODB arrived a few minutes later on a jetski. ODB had a spare fin in the jetski so he lent it to me. ODB and I then got caught inside again. He got washed about 150m down the reef. I didn't get as badly pumped but still had to paddle back around the right hander side of the reef. As I got out there I nearly took another 3 eight foot sets on the head. Ducking through the waves as they were pitching over my head. ODB got caught by the set and had a 2 wave hold down.
    I got a six footer pulled in got spat out and had the fin which ODB had lent me get ripped off inside the barrel. I was bummed and paddled in with gherkin. EPIC waves though. Memorable
  • shaggabong
    April 2006
    I came off my 10 day detox program and went 2 nights in a row. I was meant to go surfing on Sunday but never heard my alarm clock. I spoke to TP and he said down the coast would be pumping on Monday. I could find anyone who wanted to go down the coast though. Everyone had to work. So I rented a car and drove down on my own at 2am monday morning. I had to sleep on the side of the road about 50mins from the spot because i was so tired. That esulted in me getting there 45 mins later than expected. Upon arrival I was shocked to see the parking area packed with cars. The line up had easy 20 people in the water and there was another 10 guys in the parking area. There were still big sets coming in like 10ft.
    I suited up and paddled out. Got snaked and caught shit wave after shit wave. Then right near the end BP called me onto a cracker. It made the 4 hour mission all worth while. After about 3 or so hours the wind started to turn onshore so we went in and checked a few more reefs but the swell was still too big so I drove back to Sydney.
  • shaggabong
    May 2006
    Greetings all, I'm back from a little mission to Sumatra. I spent from the 19th April to the 14th May there. It was good. The first few weeks were a bit slow. I read 2 bookes my first week there because the trade winds hadn't kicked in yet. I had to leave sydney though because my 3 month visa had run out. The second and third week were better. with a few 6ft days coming along. The last 3 days of the trip were all time though. My friends from New York Patric and Andrew Norton rolled into town and we surfed some amzing waves together. The one day we surfed this right hand reef for 8 hrs. It was 4-6ft alll day and not a breathe of wind. We got back to the camp about 3 hors after dark(we had some celebratory beers on the way home) and told the other people at the camp that we didn't surf and had just driven aimlessly around all day looking for waves and eventually surfed a shitty left.
    We then woke up at 4:30am and raced back to the same spot from the day before and scored it again all day. this time we surfed the left on the other side of the reef as well as the right and then surfed this other left about 10mins drive away.
    When we got home after day 2 of leaving in the dark and coming home in the dark, I split the beans and told the other people we had scored the best waves ever. Sucked in!
    I got back to Sydney last Monday and called up a few friends. Got told to look at the charts over in WA. There was a big SW swell hitting Margaret River. I made a couple more calls and next thing I'm using my frequent flyer miles to go to West Australia.
    I stayed from Wednesday through to Sunday. I surfed the Box on Friday for 5 hours. It was 6ft and fucking ugly. The swell was really south which isn't good for Box as it likes a bit more west in the swell direction. South means closeouts. There were some west ones coming through but you had to wait and pick them carefully.
    The Satruday the swell was a bit smaller and the direction was more west. It was 4ft and hitting the reef better. There was also just 3 of us in the water. A real treat.
    So there you go. Bye SHAGGY.
  • shaggabong
    May 2006
    (in the words of Gareth Cliff)It's the weekend Baby! Whale beach has one of the best banks I have seen in ages. Sick slabbing wedges are coming through right in the corner. Gherks and I are waiting for the tide to drop as I type this listening to to the australian music channel,Max. Looks like there will be some waves down the coast sunday monday.
    The weekend is action packed with parties too so it is going to be an incredible juggling act by the young shaguar this weekend mixing business and pleasure.
    Bye SHAGGY
  • shaggabong
    May 2006
    Hi there, I did a splendid job of juggling business and pleasure. My friday night ended at midnight with me giving myself a red card and sending myself home in a taxi. I was "with the band" and got discounted beer. Saturday the waves were good at Whaley. It was crowded and I was hungover. Needless to say I surfed below par. An arvo power nap and I was right as rain for my next business function. It was a triple header. Meaning I had to be at 3 different places over the space of the evening. Fortunately we had Brosdog on our team for the night(he is extremely good at time management) We started off at the pub furthest away and worked our way back to Avalon. Everything ran smoothly and we made it home before the sun came up. Sunday the waves were still good. I had more sleep and less booze in me and was able to perform better in the water. My highlight of the surf was smoking Ben Player on a set wave because he'd burnt me a few days earlier. After lunch another arvo nap was required because we had one last function to get to. Live music at the Mona Vale Hotel, in the "function room". If you haven't heard of Chromeo or The Presets. Make your way down to the music shop and buy there CD. It was a top night. I never surfed yesterday because it wasn't that good. We did go to the beach though and ate bacon and egg rolls and watched TP surf. Does that count?
    So there you have it. Bye SHAGGY
  • shaggabong
    June 2006
    Hi there everyone back home and abroad. I'm feeling ontop of the world again.
    Tuesday we surfed Whaley. Wednesday we played tennis and yesterday I rode my fish out at South avalon. I did yoga last night. It was Bikrams Yoga. If anyone out there wants to sweat for an hour and a half and test ones strength and balance I highly recommend it. I feel great! The swell is small today but is going to be picking up all day. Tomorrow we are more than likely driving down the coast at some ungodly hour, like 3 or 4am. It wsa 8 celcius this morning inside the house. I only wonder and fear how cold it will be at 4am or even worse just before sunrise. Thats when it is meant to be coldest time of day when the emeny is most likely to attack.
    Bye SHAGGY
  • KellyKelly
    June 2006
    Thanks for the tip off ... they hit at exactly 4am as you said they would.
  • morrisminormorrisminor
    June 2006
    is your shoulder ok?
  • KellyKelly
    June 2006
    flesh wound!
  • shaggabong
    June 2006
    I never went down the coast like I'd written because we looked at the charts again and it looked like the swell would die real quick. So gherkin and I went out for the night and had goodtimes and met hot chicks. We spoke to Ben and toby and they said down the coast was crap. Although Mystics was cracking with60 guys out. So we did the right thing.
    We've been having ok waves all week at whaley but nothing amazing just 4ft wedges. I'm going to dig trenches tomorrow to fund my weekend.
    Bye SHAGGY
  • shaggabong
    June 2006
    Greetings after a week off this page. This weekend just gone was a long weekend and a big south swell also hit. The swell was so south though that it wasn't really getting in anywhere. The wind wasn't very favourable either. So I didn't surf all long weekend. Tuesday Gherkin and I surfed whale beach about 4ft with 4 other guys out and it was pretty good. Then the tide got too low and it went to dogs balls. Wednesday was good too but only in the the morning. The afternoon sesision wasn't as good. There some good waves I just never got them.
    It doesn't look like its going to be good today but there is another swell hitting tomorrow and I'm going down the coast with TP. So hopefully this weekend will see more surfing than last weekend.
    Bye SHAGGY
  • shaggabong
    June 2006
    I didn't go down the coast AGAIN this time becasue the swell was rubbish. South Whale beach however was sick on Friday. No one out just Tate, Gherkin Ben and Toby And I. Surfed wedge this morning pretty fun then it went junk. I had a weekend off the beers and I feel great. So I'm going to support the socceroos tonight against Brasil. kick off at 2:30am. Oh mayday.
    Dan Worsdley qualified for the Shark Island Main event. Boo Yeah!
    Bye SHAGGY
  • shaggabong
    June 2006
    The socceroos game was sick but thye lost. It doesn't help when they were playing against the world champs and a ref and 2 linesmen. 25 penalties were awarded to the brazos as opposed to 8 to the ozzies. The waves were really fun on tuesday. The wedge producing some fun 4ft bowls and barrels. It's been raining for the last 2 days now though and the swell has turned east but so has the wind. It's small and choppy. Things may improve tomorrow. In the mean time I'm going to go for a game of squash just like I did yesterday and do some yoga this evening.
    Bye SHAGGY
  • Spy Dude
    June 2006
    thats cos the aussies were playing really dirty.
  • shaggabong
    June 2006
    Yeah what ever Pierre. I'm surprised those Brazos didn't get oscars for some of those dives. "oh Referee! Book that man!" In a theatrical voice.
    Oh well never mind they are out now so I can regain my regular sleeping pattern. I'm leaving the sunny shores of Sydney on Friday. My round the worl trip begins. First stop Tahiti. I'm there for a month then it's another stint in Mexico. 2 and a half months seems like a long enough amount of time to be spent there. From there I'll be hitting up Loondon for a few days so The London Massive let yourselves be known. I'll come out for a rawcuss( no dictionary) night on the town. red paint not included.
    Waves have dropped off today. Due the high pressure sysyte, sitting over us at the monent. It's a beautiful day though. Gherkin is washing his car, if anyone was wondering what he was doing.
    So there you have it. The wedge contest is coming up soon. Good luck to everyone who is going in the event. I'll be thinking of everyone back home. Good luck.
    Bye SHAGGY
  • Spy Dude
    June 2006
    hehhehe, hit a nerve there shagster,,,,, :wink:
  • shaggabong
    July 2006
    Hello from Tahiti, I'm well surfing heaps kicking the rugby ball and playing hacky sack. Don't know what a cup of coffee looks like anymore nor do I know what red meat looks like. I surfed 8-10ft chopes my third surf here and it was sick. Also bumped into Russle Fish from Durban. He arrived for 3 days, scored the best swell of the year. He's back in Durban by now.
    It's raining cats and dogs right now. So tired going to eat and sleep and surf tomorrow, bye SHAGGY
  • shaggabong
    August 2006
    hello everyone, I'm in Mexico now. The rest of my stay in Tahiti was good, we got another 8ft+ swell. The tow in guys came from all corners of the world. It never got below 8ft for over a week. I got to see the biggest barrels of my life as well as rode the biggest barrels of my life. It was a bit annoying having the tow guys there after the 3rd day because the swell wasn't quite tow size it was still paddle able but they were towing into 8ft and even 6ft waves.
    I snapped one leash and hit the bottom a few times but I'm in mexico with 8 fingers 2 thumbs 10 toes 2 arms and 2 legs.
    It's 6-8ft today. It was 6-8ft yesterday too looks like it will be the same for the next few days.
    So there you bye bye SHAGGY
  • shaggabong
    August 2006
    hola muchachos, I entered this bodyboard contest on monday which started yesterday. As per usual I got knock out 2nd round. Joe Grodzen beat me. The waves are good. Yesterday it was 6ft today it is 4ft. The swell is dropping all week but sunday looks like it could be getting bigger again.
    bye SHAGGY
  • etxe
    August 2006
    Hey shaggy
    Keep a few dos X ready in the fridge and tell the Pacific Ocean to send some swell. I will be there soon and will probably come with other froggies.
  • shaggabong
    August 2006
    hey people, I've been off the radar for a few weeks. Waves have been good. There have been waves pretty much everyday barring about 3 days the whole I've been here. The last few days have been over 6ft, I snapped a leash and lost a fin yesterday. Today is smaller with a bad direction. Tomorrow looks promising. Olivier, when you getting here? Bye SHAGGY
  • iJonty
    August 2006
    Hey Shaggy

    I arrive in Peurto morning of Monday 10th Sep- see then then !!
  • etxe
    August 2006
    Hey guys
    I arrive in Mexico DF September 19th, in the evening. Should be in Puerto on the 20th, do not know yet if I take a bus or plane from Mexico.
    Huge farewell swell coming in the Cape tomorrow.
  • iJonty
    September 2006
    Wassup Shaggy-I arrived this morning bright and early-I´m staying at Papaya Surf for the moment so swing round whenever
  • shaggabong
    September 2006
    Olivier, I'll see you nextweek then. Jonty I live in the apartments next door to you top floor above bikini brazil. It looks good for the next week. Waves have been good all last week. September swells are here. Ooo Yeah! bye SHAGGY
  • shaggabong
    September 2006
    Shaggy mustn't drink Tequila and surf the net at the same time. I've put alot of peoples noses out with my comments on Friday night. Sorry to all offended. I was wrong and you were all right. I accept the fact that I will take abuse for what I wrote but there you go.
    If you were wondering the waves have continued to pump. It hasn't been below 4ft the whole of this month. A new crew of bodyboarders from Australia and the States have arrived. It was mexican independence day on Friday and it was a massive weekend. Waves were very uncrowded all weekend because of it.
    A new swell is hitting this week so there you have it bye SHAGGY
  • Spy Dude
    September 2006
    its ok shaguar.. we forgive you, u were just sticking up for your mate, and thats what mates do... :wink:
  • etxe
    October 2006
    Hey everyone. I have been in Puerto Escondido for 10 days now. We had good waves last week but Shaggy could only watch them from his balcony, as he was stuck in his room, sicker than a Mexican dog. Good news:he has fully recovered now and is back in the water... now that it is flat.
  • shaggabong
    October 2006
    Hello everyone, haven't been on line in over 2 weeks thought I'd let the storm blow over. I contreacted dengue Fever a couples days after my last post and was bed ridden for a week. Missed the last big swell of the season. Was able to catch the tale end of it. A massive 4ft day. So stoked. Got a sunburnt lip. Blistered and everthing. So stoked as it was the fourth one of the trip. It's gone now and so have the waves. Been bodysurfing and dancing to MC Hammer at night. Hammertime!
    I'm leaving tomorrow by bus to Mex City. Flying to LAX then spending 2 days in San Diego. Then one night in London. If anyone wants to catch up with me I'll be somewhere along the district line.
    Then it's inton Denmark, Norway Netherlands and czech republic before hitting London again then flying back to Sydney for summer.
    Bye SHAGGY. I'll have a couple pictures of Tahiti and Mexico soon. Just waiting for permission form the photographers.
  • shaggabong
    October 2006
    Well I'm in Norway now. I can't remember if I told you or not but I spent a couple days in SanDiego getting loose with a friend there then I flew to London and saw my friends who I used to live with in Avalon. From there I flew to Denamrk to see a friend I made in Avalon from copenhagen. It was epic but really expensive. R70 for 2 coffees! Nothing visa card couldn't handle though. Now I'm in Norway and it is even more expensive than Denmark. I can't afford the coffee here! haha
    I'm going to Amsterdam on Monday. I hear they have good coffe shops there.
    bye SHAGGY
  • shaggabong
    October 2006
    When arriving in amsterdam buy a map. I didn't haven't yet and have been lost pretty much the whole so far. luckly the taxi drivers know where they are. Going to the Heineken Brewery tomorrow. bye SHAGGY
  • shaggabong
    October 2006
    I'm in Prague right now. It is extremely photogenic. I arrived late at tnight and woke up to bright sunny skies, the first sunshine I have seen in 3 weeks. I I'm not lying, it's been either overcast or raining the trip. So I took the oppotunity to take as many pictures as possible. I walked the town stukkend too. I never got lost either, I got given a map from the dude at the Hostel. I'm back in London on Friday, Halloween party tonight.
    Bye SHAGGY
  • shaggabong
    November 2006
    hello after a month away from the web page. I made it back to England in one piece and then flew to Sydney 3 days later. I've been here just over 3 weeks and have ridden a bodyboard once. It's been really really small since I've been back. I've been riding my fish a few times but that has even been a struggle. The weather is great tough.
    There were waves down the south coast a couple days after I arrived but I didn't go down because I had to see friends at the pub the night before and missed the wake up call. Apparently Ben Player was dominating. Busting massive air reverses out the bowl on pretty much evey wave and if he wasn't doing air reverses he was doing back flips. There 30 people out and needless to say the vibe was aggressive.
    Noting seems to coming through on the charts either for the next week. So I'll be down the beach working on my base tan.
    Bye SHAGGY
  • shaggabong
    December 2006
    Hello everyone back in South Africa, hope everyone has a great christmas on Monday. Check out my friend Toby Player's website called:
    He sells all the latest dvd's plastic people clothing and more boards fins etc...
    bye merry Christmas SHAGGY
    oh yeah the waves have been very small for over 3 weeks. been riding my fish in 2ft mush.
  • shaggabong
    January 2007
    merry christmas and happy new year to you all, I'm in Hawaii right now staying brandon foster and his wife and DJ nelson. Waves have been fun since I arrived on the 30th. Pipe is about 4-6ft today crowded as usual ben p got some good ones and his brother had a good last wave.
    New years as usual was uneventful except for this dude at the backpackers threw a firecracker over his head and it landed in a hammock with 2 chicks in it and it went off and burnt the one chicks hair.
    bye SHAGGY
  • shaggabong
    January 2007
    Hi there, the last week has been pretty good, had a massive swell hit pipe on the 2nd, there were calls that the Eddie would go but it didn't. Pipe was 10ft it got bigger as the day progressed. We duck dived some 3rd reef wash throughs. Watts got washed all the way to the beach in 3 waves. The next day was a bit smaller but still big. It was packed and pipe was pretty average, there were some good waves though. Player bros were dominating along with tamega and skppy. it's been rubbish for the last 3 days though. Surfed Log Cabins yesterday and nearly had a heart attack. That spot gives me the heebeegeebees.
    I rode a surfboard at Lani Akea the day before that. Pretty fun 4-6ft sideshore.
    It's bad again today. Congrats to Maccas for coming 2nd. I'll be seeing him later today.
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