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i wanna land a gyroll.

  • hugh grant
    February 2006
    im having a little problem with my gyrolls. i landed a few but they slow and look crap. any advice..

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6 Replies

  • bboard1
    May 2007
    wtf is a gyroll
  • SmTSmT
    May 2007
    :lol: Stop doing them, they always look bad!
  • Len at ScienceLen at Science
    May 2007
    maybe you will look beter with a jam roll or a swiss roll or maybe a banana roll
  • byron777
    May 2007
    i remember mike stewart doing a gyroll in raw 1.can anyone explain how its done?
  • SmTSmT
    May 2007
    Since my prone skills leave much to be desired I may be slightly wrong in my definition of a gyroll.
    Basically it's an ARS but with a reverse spin NOT forward spin, looks kinda like a forward flip or a GORF, they all look kinda weird in my opinion???
  • sampisampi
    May 2007
    Sneaky move the gyroll. Two ways to do them; backflip method and the ars method. Its actually an air roll with a forward flip thrown into the mix.

    SMT is right, they mostly look bad but can at times look pretty decent and kind of acrobatic.

    Ars Method:
    1. Find a rampy section
    2. Hit it like you would do an air-roll-spin
    3. As you are half way through the roll / upside down bring your legs in as you would for a forward flip (like the ones you do into a pool or on a trampoline) and turn and tuck your board as in the image.
    4. Hold on tightly - here is the sneaky part; in most cases the position your board is in when you land kind of acts as a scoop and pushes you along back in front of the wave which is why gyrolls are so incredibly easy to land when you get the steps 1-3 sorted.
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