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New tricks for beginners

  • warren79
    March 2006
    Hey dudes,im just learning to ride a wave,not into tricks yet but already totally stoked.Just wanted to know what is the easiest trick to learn for a begginer and where can i get tips to start doing them.What tricks did some of you guys do when you first started boarding and how long does it take on average to start busting any type of move.Saw a guy riding on top of a wave on friday.Thats probably not a trick but the speed is awsome and it looks great, would love to learn that...

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18 Replies

  • DarkhorseDarkhorse
    March 2006
    learn rolls bro! theyre pretty easy and my friends just startyed bboarding and he started about 2months ago, but has been missioning now and he could do rolls like 2 weeks ago. theyre easier than spins even i personally think. just go up to the lip and roll over. at the begining then after a whyile when u learn how to get mroe speed u can bust out oif the wave off the lip and do teh rolls and stacks other moves. but that oens easy.
    watch vids
    actually get hold of some videos called bio1 and bio 2. theyre instructional bboarding vids, but actually relakly sick and have epic footage.
  • warren79
    March 2006
    Thanks man,sounds difficult,i definitly need to get hold of some videos to help me out.Dont even know what a roll is...
  • Steve
    July 2006
    its when you go and hit the lip and roll over and land back on the wave
  • bboard1
    May 2007
    i'd say that you should start by doig spinns. that is a 360 on the face of the wave. to do this you just slide up on your board when you are on an open section. when you've done that you just turn up the wave slightly then throw you're legs around and turn your head in the direction you are spinneng and try to focus on you're fins. the body normally follows where the head goes.

    Good luck man
  • Dopetrick
    November 2007
    "hand drag spins" and "el floppos"

  • Ruan Brits
    October 2010
    Darkhorse wrote:
    learn rolls bro! theyre pretty easy and my friends just startyed bboarding and he started about 2months ago, but has been missioning now and he could do rolls like 2 weeks ago. theyre easier than spins even i personally think. just go up to the lip and roll over. at the begining then after a whyile when u learn how to get mroe speed u can bust out oif the wave off the lip and do teh rolls and stacks other moves. but that oens easy.
    watch vids
    actually get hold of some videos called bio1 and bio 2. theyre instructional bboarding vids, but actually relakly sick and have epic footage.
    Hi Googled these 2 vids and do't find them , where do you get hold of them or are they discontinued?
  • Diego
    October 2010
    Ive never heard of those vids but hey if u can find them sure theyl help. Simple tricks are spins and rolls most important before u try these tricks have fun with ur board ride the wave just learn to control urself and ride. Play around with sprays and bottom turns.the Bottom turn are actually the most crucial 'trick' to learn google bodyboarding tips it works but remember surf with people better than u they can teach u and give u advice on whats what
  • Dopeboy
    March 2011
    as far as bodyboarding dvd's go, i've found the "Roam 2" on the web, i can post a link if anyone wants it, its pretty cool, just a bunch a bodyboarders from Australia, pretty crazy
  • ronald911ronald911
    March 2011
    Dopeboy wrote:
    as far as bodyboarding dvd's go, i've found the "Roam 2" on the web, i can post a link if anyone wants it, its pretty cool, just a bunch a bodyboarders from Australia, pretty crazy
    I roll with uncapped :D, so pop a few links ;)


  • March 2011
    Dude, concentrate on riding waves and getting the basics right, like where to paddle and when, as well as how the water is moving around you when not on a wave. Watch other riders, how they bottom turn and how they position themselves on their boards coz that is the most important aspect of bodyboarding as a beginner. Id suggest you only start worrying about busting moves once you've gotten into a comfortable rhythm on your board. Remember to press down firmly on your board with your elbow in order to hold your line and help prevent you from sliding out.

    But most importantly, watch the guys that seem to know what they are doing. You will learn a lot from just watching.

    AND lastly, dont show any disrespect to others in the water. Just go out there and enjoy your time in the water, I'm sure you'll meet some epic guys out there.

    All the best guy
  • craigtrilivascraigtrilivas
    March 2011
    There a few tips on this site bro give them a read: this page gives you a list of the tutorials currently on the site (or at least the ones I know of)

    Enjoy it bro and hope you come right.

    Even if you dont practice makes perfect :mrgreen:
  • Dopeboy
    March 2011
  • ElementreeElementree
    April 2011
    Anyone looking for a step by step guide to improving your overall riding and range of manoeuvres might want to take a look at threesixty mag's bodyboarding manual.

    It's got everything from pulling effective bottom turns to busting air revo's and everything inbetween. There's also some helpful info on various wave types, reading swell and global surf spots.

    Got one of these for my birthday and it is a pretty good info package retailing for £6.95...there might be some postage charge involved when shipping to SA. ... the-press/

    Hope this helps.
  • craigtrilivascraigtrilivas
    April 2011
    Yo Gareth!

    How thick is the manual?

    Izzit decent?

    I wanna get one but dont wanna pay hefty shipping charges :mrgreen:

    Shoooot bru
  • ElementreeElementree
    April 2011
    Hey Craig.

    It's 65 pages of which about 5 are adverts.

    So it's kinda like a mag...just packed with all the info you need regarding boogie.

    I looked a little deeper and it will cost £13.90 with postage to SA, which isn't bad.
  • craigtrilivascraigtrilivas
    April 2011

    Nice one on the detective mode bru thanks :mrgreen:

    Im ordering it now!!!
  • craigtrilivascraigtrilivas
    April 2011

    My payment didnt go thru at the last second due to a system error.....

    Really hope my credit card is not compromised :?

    Now I need to do it another way, ffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu............................
  • JfreakBdog
    October 2011
    Yeah its a good idea to get to know your board- how to get more speed, turns, cutbacks and duckdiving etc. - once you're comfortable on your board the progressing moves come a lot faster and you're more confident in the sea. Spins, rolls and cutbacks are good moves to learn first...
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