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Indo Boat / Indo Anyone?

  • March 2006
    Hey guys

    Will be looking to travel to Indo around first week of May with a few of the UK crew. We have one contact for a boat but does anyone else know any boat contacts out there that could hook us up a good deal?

    By the sounds of things the UK guys can only make 2 weeks sadly, but looking to stay on longer and then venture up to thailand afterwards and then possibly back down to some new opened up reefs where no visitors have been allowed to go before

    So if anyone wants to join in on the trip that would be sick! Whether its for 2 weeks or longer with myself pull in and let me know. Just email me at

    halfbinz gmail com

    Will be capturing loads of photography (land/water) on this trip. Also possibly video if I can get my new video camera and housing before i leave. So if you are even keen to take turns taking shots on somedays that would be sweet whether it be from land or water especially when I go exploring new reefs....but otherwise if you dont really bodyboard and want to come along for the trip just let me know either way...

    We will be flying out from London. Tickets havent been booked yet but will be looking to place bookings soonish. So if you are interested let me know and we can arrange flights etc to work out best for everyone....

    Thanks guys and gurls

    God Bless

Travel 1,391 views

5 Replies

  • hugh grant
    March 2006
    do you know the all around cost quote???
  • that NINJA kid
    March 2006
    You'll have to come back and hand the info over dude, I'm going with a bunch of mates in June/July...
  • hugh grant
    March 2006
    shit... is every1 going but me???
    please sum1.. take me to indo..
    i`ll wash dishes and tell chuck norris jokes..
    i'll even push the boat!!!
  • KellyKelly
    March 2006
    What route are you looking at?

    We did the Bali/Lombok/Sumbawa route just before the bombing and then again in 2004. It is seriously a very crowded route but if you want to fight it out with the rest then these guys were as good as you get in this sort of category. Top crew, good chows and a good trip 4 sure - just empty line-ups are pretty rare. I'd recommend find somewhere else to go.

    I dug out an email he sent us on prices and from what I can gather from that and my memory, I think we paid $400 per person but can't guarantee that.


    purnamaindah hotmail com

    They require $100 deposit per person.

    Our first trip was with some aussie guy named Red Dog --- who I would not recommend. We got done over a bit. Also some Indo guy named Doggie organised this for us and seems to organise for a lot of characters. You get the feeling like that surf shop owner you don't want to really buy from but its the only place to buy kit --- I'd rather go with someone like Tomo - very genuine from our dealings with him. Or maybe ask him to recommend someone else if they cannot help.

    Another option --- we hired a 16 seater Samsung minibus (ja, they do make cars --- although it did look like a microwave and was falling apart by the time we gave it back) and drove out to Sumbawa as well. A long trip but you get to stay a few more days at Scar Reef and Super Suck because the boats literally can only stay a day or two out there. Got scars big and good while on land but nothing when we went back by boat. If you've got no time restraints, it is always good to be able to hang around for a while. Just then depends on how many boats are on it when the swell hits. Sometimes none ... sometimes a few.

  • March 2006
    Hey im not too sure on prices really. But its cheap when you out there and depends on where to goto. I think Lloyd Perria is trying to organise a bunch of SA guys on a trip to INDO around July which ive just heard... Might be a little better timing as some of the other guys have been looking into the Surfing events and when they are on to get a bit of a quieter time there which makes sense

    But otherwise would love to get some sick spots and maybe a bit of a boat trip in there for all times sake. I can get loads of info on Mentawis and semi secret spots there with empty insance lineups but the only part is the island will have no facilities, load of mosquitos and would be best done by yacht but that might be pricy that way

    My older brother lives out in Phuket now for sometime and spent about 6 months around indo exploring and reckons that the area of Banda Aceh has just been opened up to the public after the Tsunami as it was declared out of bounds and no foriegners were aloud to go there! There are supposed to be some mental reefs there! Some have been destroyed after the tsunami and new reefs and breaks appearing from the damage. So pretty unknown grounds, expect goof swell, good winds and warm water and sick reefs! Who knows what you could come across out there...

    God Bless
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