Mike Stewart wrote:
Hi Ryan regarding Air reverses: it might be as simple as finding a different type of wave.
To break it down air reverses are a combination of moves (airs and spins) and the basics should be mastered before you proceed.
Good airs are a result of three things coming together.
1. Speed which comes from 1. a good wave with power, 2. a good board that can generate good speed and 3. technique to generate speed. The trick is to time your approach to the lip so that it throws out when you approach it. The faster you go the more powerful the wave the higher up you go.
These are a few tips that I have learned over the years. The un-aided spin is one of the most difficult moves in bodyboarding to learn. I think one of the reasons it's so difficult is because you have to do a number of movements all at once.
The initiation of the spin is the most important element to unaided spins. This is what gives you enough momentum to complete the rotation. You initiate the spin by sliding forward to move your center of gravity to the center of the board this will let your rail loosen up in the tail/rail so it will slide. Just as you are sliding forwards turn hard in the direction you want to spin. At the same time use your fins and drag them quickly in the opposite direction, so the force of rotation is being accomplished by both ends. As soon as the spin is initiated bring you legs up and try to move your mass in close to the center of the board.
The tighter the mass the faster the spin. In smaller waves or situations when you have difficulty getting around, you can rotate and slide the board under you to bring it around. This is especially helpful in small surf. Anyway it takes awhile to get it wired so be patient, it took me a month or so of practicing to get it down.
Hope this helps
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