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No Friends 9 - Road to Ruin

  • KellyKelly
    August 2006
    No Friends 9 - Road to Ruin is now available in SA. To find out which stores should be stocking it, visit and click on "Retailers" - if they haven't got it then ask them to get it in for you!!!

    We should have it in at within the week. wrote:
    Road to Ruin is the 2006 Summer No Friends Media Release that is going to raise the bar in riding and video production. James O'Neill has taken the reigns from our former master editor Brian Stoker and pieced together some of the craziest most explosive bodyboarding ever recorded. Jeff Hubbard starts off the video with one of his best sections to date... Ryan Hardy and Mitch Rawlins share a sections and go wave for wave proving that these 2 riders are battling for the cleanest and best overall riding in the world today but then again only you can be the judge of that. Spencer Skipper , World Champ Ben Player and Matt Lackey all have amazing sections that should keep their sponsors happy for the next few months!!! The music is fresh with sounds from Cat Power, Eagles of Death Metal, Cake, The Incredible Moses Leroy and a few more we want to surprise you with. You won't be let down. NF9 - Road to Ruin is packed with DVD extras too.


Bodyboarding Industry 2,754 views

6 Replies

  • SmTSmT
    August 2006
    :D This one is going straight into my Shopping Cart at Factory7, can't wait to get it.
  • Marthinus
    August 2006
    ^^^^DITTO! :D :D
  • that NINJA kid
    August 2006
    Yeah I caught the Premiere in Bali and while I was on my way to drunk I remember it being vey sick with an awesome soundtrack, I'm definitely gonna have to invest...
  • puku
    August 2006
    Ja me too! been checking F7 like 10 times a day! just ordered the movement, wooo hooo!
  • Martin
    August 2006
    Got it two days ago...

    Well some sick stuff on it but its a new editor en videographer. I don't know but I don't like it really I 've got all the NF and I love basiclly all but this one dissapointed me( maybe its just me?)

    There is NO Roach section and the Lackey section is sad ( one nice barrol the rest he wipes I want to see how he sticks it...

    Nice Brandon Foster Wave where he drops infront of Lackey and gets a sick barrol...

    Good soundtrack, But all the adds is infront again and not like shaffled through the video...

    Some nice unknown section riding with Daniel Worsley and others... Loyd

    And I don't like the whole NF logo that twist around

    Well thats just me its still a bodyboarding dvd so check it out


  • that NINJA kid
    August 2006
    YEah good points all!
    The 3D logo disappointed me too, I've got guys in my office who've taught themselves 3D animation and there stuff kills that logo so I guess I'm biased....
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