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  • Mark
    February 2004
    Please give me some advice on rolls,i find it hard to land the :oops:

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5 Replies

  • Greg Chapman
    February 2004
    RELAX --whe u do a roll the last thing u want is to tense up as when you land you are likely to bounce of your board, Relax your body and use your arms to absorbe the energy when landing

    Also Make sure you have all the speed possible and you want to hit the lip as it is about to throw over, Make sure you go as hard as possible and carry your momentum through the rotation and relax your body on the way down -straighten out and draw a new line for the next sectio

    Remember to have fun too

  • peterbee
    March 2004
    Are you still doing beginner's rolls? Because then the problem is most probably not in how you land, but in how you roll... :idea:

    Don't pull back your speed as you're about to hit the lip, and keep your elbow in contact with the board so a loose arm doesn't absorb the power - this way you will get enough projection to complete your roll, and so at least have a chance of landing the buggers.
  • Spy Dude
    March 2004
    open you r eyes, look for your landing, relax your body, go withthe flow, cos thats what a roll is, the wave does all the work, but understand that if you havnt completed your rotaion or you have been shot up and loose your speed you are gonna get caught in that funny trench between the whitewater and the tube that lets you go no where.
  • Mark
    March 2004
    Thanks greg,I went to koelbay today and landed them all! 8)
  • Greg Chapman
    March 2004
    yeah Koel bay is a sick wave to launch off. warm water too makes things a tad eaiser too.
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