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  • Francois
    October 2006
    Hi guys

    I'm new to the sport of bodyboarding. I ride a Scott. I would like to start doing some moves since I have perfected the basic arts of waveriding. I would like to know how to do a spin. This may sound stupid but can somebody please help me?

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3 Replies

  • Turborekker
    October 2006
    Start off with a shot or two of tequila and the rest will come naturally... :D
  • JdV
    October 2006
    Ok but on more serious note,well first of all you need to make sure you do it on the right part of the wave,this can help alot when you're still learning,you need to try and do it in the pocket of the wave,where there's a pit of power to help give you momentum,but seeing as you're still learning you wouldn't want to try on a wave that's too big or too deep in the pocket because you'll probably not be able to spin fast enough and end up getting owned.

    As you're riding find the spot where you want to spin and start to turn slightly up the face of the wave,as you're about mid way up the face you need to lift you're legs out of the water(and preferably cross them) and at the same time throw your momentum in the direction you want to spin in(to your left if you're riding left and vice versa)also as you begin to spin look over your shoulder in the direction you're spining in so you can see what's going on and because you're body seems to naturally follow through in the direction you're looking in.As you come around so that you're facing the beach again drop you're legs and carry on riding the wave to do another move.

    Please note this is how to do a forward spin,reverse spins are a completely different technique,and please don't hesitate to ask if you need anymore help.
  • Francois
    October 2006
    Thanx bud, I appreciate your reply. Watch this space, you might find yourself answering more questions from me...
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