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  • flyboy
    October 2006
    I've been bodyboarding for about a year now. I'm now trying to learn how to do tricks. I'm really struggling to to dig my rail in when i get on dropknee. I get up and my back just seems to slide out everytime and i wipe out. any help would be great. :D

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12 Replies

  • Francois
    October 2006
    I really need help with the DK to, any help regarding the balance would be great. Thanx
  • SmTSmT
    October 2006
    :D Hey Guys,
    It sounds like you're not putting enough weight on your inside knee, the one that you use to dig your rail in and hold the face of the wave.
    Make sure you're in the correct position on your board, something I see often is when guys are "Sitting" on their boards as opposed to kneeling, just imagine being on one knee, proposing to the one you love, that's the position to go for!
    Try leaning your weight onto that knee when you bottom turn don't just lean your body over, BUT most importantly, keep trying.
    any other questions, feel free to e-mail me:
    [email protected]
    or you can send me hate mail if you think i'm completely wrong!
  • KellyKelly
    October 2006
    DK = practice!!! And lot's of it ... and practice getting up into DK on land, in the pool and while you're waiting in between waves --- see how long you can maintain your balance on DK just in the water. Obviously the more time you can put in on the DK stance actually riding the better but if you go for an hour surf just think about how much time you actually managed to spend riding DK - not much I guess!!! So if you want to get better then do a few things to help improve your balance while you're not riding waves.

    Your stance --- this is why I say practice on land .... slap your board on your bed or carpet and practice getting up and then look down at your stance - is your stance how you think it should be? Does it look like you have set-up like your favourite DK pro or local ripper? Is your back knee close to the rail edge with your fin off the tail which is important for stance as well as the fact that your swimfin acts to some extent like a surfboard fin - more so when you're riding forehand. And has your front foot positioned correctly? Some guys ride with it fairly far back - doesn't look the prettiest but it may work for them - but the typical stance places your front foot around the same distance from the nose as where your elbow sits when riding prone. And if you're on your forehand then turn your foot 'slightly' inwards - it may be a style thing but I also found this forces you into a good stance for forehand and on the style side stops that terrible fin hanging off the side look.

    I see Sean just replied but I'll still throw in my 2 cents and you guys can pick up what you think works for you and ignore what doesn't. Sean is absolutely right about making sure you're not "sitting" and that you do need to drive weight into your knee so that you are actually burying your rail when you turn otherwise you will just skide out - this is essentially what you may be doing wrong. On backhand bottom turns you might want to grab your outside rail to help a bit when you are starting but don't get into too much of a habit. On big/late backhand take offs you may want to hold onto the rail into the bottom turn but generally release as you're driving out of it so you can adopt a more upright stance. Here's Brandon with two pipe drops on his backhand - on your backhand the rail grab is functional and stylish on your forehand it is neither though.

    m_3075.jpg m_1458.jpg

    One thing I reckon though is that stance is vitally important and guys can't always pick that their stance is 'messed' up. But if you do want to progress then you do need to analyse it and it may be as simple as holding the cricket bat wrong.

    So here's the important bit ---- you practiced on land and that was way easy to get up into the right stance --- so now take off on a mellow wave and when you're trimming comfortably look down at your board and take a look at your stance --- is that the same as how you were practicing? Is your knee, front foot and back fin correctly positioned? Are you upright or too crouched? It's a weird perspectice looking down but I found it helped me correct myself and still find myself doing it when I've got up and just doesn't feel right.

    You don't have skegs on DK so it is important to learn how to drive off your rail ... you start off small ... learn to do small controlled bottom turns and carves and progress bigger and bigger ... when you start to do the really big ones it is all about confidence --- go into them with all the power you want to put into it and be confident that you are going to be driving out of that huge bottom turn or snap - don't just think about the move but also picture yourself coming out of the move. And if you are doing turns or snaps then you do want to initiate them with your upper body starting with your head ... if it's a small turn then it is not so noticeable but big turns or snaps - watch the guy who has really got these down .... the turn starts with his head -> shoulders -> arms -> through the hips -> legs into the snap -> bring the board around back under the head position but his head is already looking down the line and the board needs to switch rail and 'chase' the head. Just like prone - the head always goes first!!! But ja - watch skating, snowboarding, surfing --- it's all the same ...

    Finally - two last important things for DK:

    1. You can wax your board as much as you like but make sure your fins are a decent soft rubber on the foot pocket otherwise you will not get the grip you need.
    2. Make sure you're correctly riding goofy or natural if you're just starting out. I ended up Goofy by accident because back in the day there was not really anyone decent to learn from where I'm from and the only guy who thought he knew anything told me that you ride goofy on lefts and natural on rights. Good thing there were lots of lefts when I started out. Anyway - it may not be what everyone reckons but there are exceptions and if you're like me then you will want your strong, "control" foot up front. Snowboard/skate and I'm natural - control/power needs to be at the back but DK is different to these two sports. With DK my view is that because you're on your knee you're not doing much that your weaker leg can't handle and there is way more advantage in having your power/control foot up front where you can actually make use of it. This may not work for everyone and you do need to go with what will work for you in the end. (disclaimer ends ;))

    Anyway guys ... enjoy!!!

    Start small and get the technique right.
  • Francois
    October 2006
    Thanx Kelly, I really appreciate the time you took to post, you can be sure that you are going to hear from me again after you posted a reply like that bud :D Cheers
  • Francois
    October 2006
    Just one more thing guys, are any size or shape boards better suited for DK???? :?:
  • KellyKelly
    October 2006
    Ja - DK boards typically have a narrow nose and a wide point further back from the nose. Most brands will have at least one DK board in their range but get one only if you want to concentrate on DK - they're usually pretty poor at handling prone riding and you should look at getting a versatile board if you want to concentrate on both.

    Speak to your local surf store but make sure s/he knows what they're talking about - you're spending a bit of cash on a board so don't waste it in getting the wrong board.

    Personally I have at least 2 boards in my quiver - a DK board and a versatile board which is more suited to prone than DK - I ride more DK than prone but when the waves just don't suit DK then you'll have a better session if you bust out your prone board.

    For some DK boards check out:

    ATD: ... cts_id=222
    LMNOP: ... cts_id=172

    Example of a versatile board:

    Rossi 50/50: ... ucts_id=67

    If have any questions on boards contact Derek at Factory 7: 083 488 3916 or visit
  • flyboy
    October 2006
    wow :D thanks a lot i'm sure i'll get my dk right now
  • Dopetrick
    September 2009
    Sliding out problems DK? Force yourself to stick your inside hand in the wave, helps as well with late steep takeoffs as your arm/hand acts as a pivot for your bottom turn, I find. If your backs to the wave , stick your hand in and grab your outside rail.
    Board shape? Anything that's not "top heavy" if you're looking at the board against a wall with it's tail on the ground. Oh and battails aren't recommended.
  • Diego
    September 2009
    I personally think that when i was riding my first board getting used to DK THAT BAT IS BETTER as its slower and has more grip so u learn how to get ur stance right only thing is that wen u swap bak 2 ur crecent tail u tend to slide out cos of the speed and turn ability, but as stated in above preactice is key besides its reall y fun and on days where the swell flows flat u just go DK and rip the face of the wave up, a good skill to have in ur arsenal and u might just find ur better at DK than prone.
  • Diego
    September 2009
    I personally think that when i was riding my first board getting used to DK THAT BAT IS BETTER as its slower and has more grip so u learn how to get ur stance right only thing is that wen u swap bak 2 ur crecent tail u tend to slide out cos of the speed and turn ability, but as stated in above preactice is key besides its reall y fun and on days where the swell flows flat u just go DK and rip the face of the wave up, a good skill to have in ur arsenal and u might just find ur better at DK than prone.
  • Dopetrick
    September 2009
    Hectic, I'm not saying that you can't ride a bat dk but a lot of people I've spken to don't recommend it, I'm actually riding dk with a bat at the moment cause I'm to lazy to take out the cresent,I just find there's not alot of bite in the tail which affects carving/cutbacks etc. Popped a ligament in my knee trying to do a slash with a bat for that reason.
  • craigtrilivascraigtrilivas
    September 2009
    My fav shape ever was the Manta Roach with the small nose, felt i could do no wrong on that beast.
    Im now riding a Science McCarthy with a Delta tail that rips DK and have also ridden a Custom X DUG in the past which was a BAT.

    I think if u get the basics down u could potentially ride anything bro, crescent or bat.
    I let my mind get the better of me sometimes I think as I have a few preferences with my boards, one being that channels are a must!!!
    I can ride a flat bottomed stick for nuffink :lol:
    It may be cos I learnt to DK on prone shaped boards.
    I also noticed that I sit a bit more forward on my board than other guys.

    At the end of the day practice makes perfect and u will need to persivere but when u get it waxed.............there is nothing than can match the feeling of making a steep drop, bottom turning into a pit and comin out of it on the knee dood thats a promise 8)

    Best of luck and dont give up :mrgreen:
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