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SABA Rankings

  • GordnotDoug
    September 2003
    I think you should also include SABA rankings on your site also, plus maybe each province rankings.

    More work for everyone and you sorry but I think it is important! :!:

Site Suggestions 2,546 views

3 Replies

  • KellyKelly
    October 2003
    SABA, Provincial and Club Rankings will be added in future. That is, however, where I can replicate the ratings through some automated procedure.

    Thanks for your feedback Gordon, this is something which I have been keen to add and it's good to hear that it is wanted but it does involve a little bit of work in automating it and will get onto it as soon as possible.
  • KellyKelly
    April 2004
    OK, I have finally made it round to designing a rankings page for the results which we hold.

    We have been recording contest results and we now have an automated process for displaying rankings i.e. no manual adding up required - as soon as the results are sent to us and we load them into the database, you will then be able to view the new rankings.

    Over time this should prove to be a useful archive of bodyboarding rankings/results and at some point in the future I will try to obtain results from previous years to add to the database for the larger contests (SABA, WST etc).

    You can access the Rankings from the menu: > Contests > Rankings

    Currently we hold the following rankings:

    • South African Bodyboaring Association - SABA National Circuit
    • International Bodyboarding Association - World Super Tour
    • Southern Cape Bodyboarding Association - Provincial Trials
    • Blow Out Bodyboarding Club - Club Contests
    • Mossel Bay Organisation of Bodyboarders - Club Contests

    In the near future I'm looking to include the following rankings which either do not conform to the norm in terms of calculating rankings or we do not have results from all the contests:

    • Southern Kwa-Zulu Natal Bodyboarding Association - Provincial Trials
    • International Bodyboarding Association - World Qualifying Tour
    • International Bodyboarding Association - World Womens Tour

    As soon as I have these added I'll update this post.

    Any discrepencies in the rankings, please let me know by way of email or private message. I have also tried to test as thoroughly as I can but if you do find any errors please point them out to me.

    SABA Rankings: Please note that when displaying the current year's SABA rankings we do not take into consideration any points from last years circuit, as is done in the official rankings. This is noted on a foot note on the rankings page for the current year's SABA rankings together with a link to the SABA website where you can obtain the official rankings. I do, however, think that by excluding last years results you do have a better indication of who is in the running for the title this year, so in that way it should be interesting to view. Most notable differences are riders who have not competed in last years event who will place higher in our rankings or riders who have not competed in this years event will not appear in our rankings where they will still appear in the official rankings.

    Hope you find them informative and useful - as always, a link is provided from the rankings page to each riders profile which will hold a list of their results (as comprehensive as possible - we are reliant on the organisations submitting their results to us) and any photos we may have for him/her.
  • Mr G
    July 2004
    i think i should get back to SA and open up a can of whip ass on the saba ratings board, dibs :arrow: on that. keep up the good work homiez.
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