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Cape Classic - Places to stay?

  • Stephan Becker
    February 2007
    Hi there all

    I'm pretty keen to make a mission to Western Cape for the cape classic this year, never been in cape town though. Can anyone give me some pointers as to where I can stay(prefferably close to glen beach) or whoI can contact to get the info?

    Obviously I can't afford too much so places like garages will do :D Or if you know of some one that'll take me in(More than willing to pay for it) pls pls pls let me know!

    Shot alot!


Accommodation/Car Pool 1,807 views

4 Replies

  • ElementreeElementree
    February 2007
    I know of some cool Back Packers not too far from Glen...lots of nice foreign chicks...prices are fair.

    I'll find out exact details and post them...
  • dave
    February 2007
    Yo.Best place to stay would be in camps bay, but the problem is accom will be very expensive unless u find a bra to stay with! look at some backpackers in town relativly cheap n close by or maybe hout bay or sea point! i donno jst a suggestion! cheers
  • ElementreeElementree
    February 2007
    Ahoy Stephan...

    Here's some info on backpackers...

    I would recommend The Backpack and African Travel Centre...I stayed there for a while.
    It's central, basically on Kloof Nek Road-which is the route to Glen Beach.
    The facilities are good, rooms clean, parking area with night guards and the prices are fair.
    Dorms go for R95 per person, per night.
    Luxury Dorms(4 beds)) go for R130, per person, per night.

    Check out

    Ashanti Lodge...

    Ashanti is a also great...Good venue, clean rooms, good facilities.
    It is a little off Kloof Nek Road, but not too far...
    Dorms go for R100 per person, per night...
    Dude you can also camp there...and it's dirt cheap!
    Camping R55 per person, per night!!!
    You get to use all the facilities nogal!...i'd go camping if i were you!

    Check out

    I got all this info from Coast To Coast-The definitive backpackers guide to Southern Africa.
    You can usually pick one up at your local tourist info branch or try visiting backpackers in your area to get one-it's a very handy little book and it's free!!!

    Damn i should get commission from these guys!!!

    I hope this helps...
  • Stephan Becker
    February 2007
    Thanks alot guys!!! :D

    I've started making plans, rate i'll get a buddy to come compete as well. So ya, you've been huge help!

    Hopefully I'll see you all there!

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