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How to Duck Dive

  • ronald911ronald911
    February 2007
    Iam having trouble duckdiving undrneath the waves. Can any1 plz explain step by step 4 me how to duckdive plz.


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2 Replies

  • ElementreeElementree
    February 2007
    Hummm... :lol:

    Ok...paddle, paddle, paddle...

    See a wave coming...Skrik...aaarrrggghhh :shock:

    About 1 meter from the wave use your arms to push yourself up on your board, kinda like doing a push up. This should enable you to push your board under water. angle your board downwards at a 45 degree angle, push one of your knees into the tail of your board and give it a extra boost under the wave...use your free leg to kick under.
    You want to push deep enough to avoid most of the turbulance caused by the push as deep as possible.
    While under the wave kick with both legs to push through the swell.
    When you feel yourself coming up bring your board back to your chest and keep kicking...when you pop through the back of the wave steady yourself and start paddling moer hard cos you don't want to get pulled too far back by the wave...once you've done this...

    Paddle, paddle paddle...repeat

    Try practicing in your pool to get the whole "push up"-knee boost thing right and soon you'll be ducking like a Pro!

    Schweet... :lol:
  • RandomRocker44
    January 2008
    yeah thats about right but if you battle with that at the the start try pushing the board as far under as possible while taking your time and then just before the wave hit you pull your chest onto the board as soon as possible you'll still end up hitting a lot of turbulance but at least not as much as you would when your not diving at all....
    otherwise just drop the board and dive underneath the wave but this will look super lame so just take it as a joke guy!
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