New TopicWhats happening in Southern Cape This year???? 2007
March 2007
Howzit to all in the Southern Cape Area or team members
Whats been happening in SC this year? I have heard nothing and don't even know who the committee members are for this year.
It would be great to hear from anyone in SC. I'll be in George in April for a week and will be coming home for good on 21 September 07.
I would like to get involved once I back. I might even consider sponsoring SC this year(i'll be back for SA's,I think if dates have not changed) but defaintly for next year.
So if anyone out there reads this can you pass the information over to one of the members.
Manys Thanks
Keep it real!!!
Whats happening George, Mossel Bay and Plett Crews????
Southern Cape Bodyboarding Association 1,325 views
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