WP held the first in the series of Trials yesterday at Derdesteen.
Conditions were about as good as they can get for a Trial.
Solid 3-4 foot sets, hollow peaks, light winds and plenty of sun.
The Steen really did produce the goods and remained consistent throughout the day, offering riders plenty of ramps and the opportunity to score highly.
Some highlights were Houstons phat Air-Revo in the opening heats, Ian Krugers ball busting ARS(there were a few others, but i can't remember who pulled them, other than Jamie Higgins's mini ARS in the dying stages of his last heat.), Vaughn Harrris landed the sickest DK floater i've seen in ages...the DK boys pumped it. The women also played their part with stand-out performances from newly relocated Lize-Mari Ras and the phattest roll by,(now correct me if i'm wrong) i think Pamela Bowren.
The boys had their work cut out for them in the sizey conditions and i have to give them respect for handling it with distinction-the future looks bright!
All in all some top class Bodyboarding was seen. Being a local i was stoked to see that the majority of surfers gave the Trial respect by staying clear of the contest area, despite conditions being so good-big up to the stand ups and other wave-riders!
I feel the burn i'm gonna get for saying that, but heck i feel it's worth mentioning!